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Medicine - D

Daktacort hydrocortisone cream contains two active ingredients, an antifungal called miconazole and a steroid called hydrocortisone.

Daktarin cream contains the active ingredient miconazole. Miconazole is an antifungal medicine used to treat infections with fungi and yeasts.

Daktarin oral gel is prescribed to prevent and treat fungal infections of the mouth, throat, stomach or intestines.

Daktarin powder contains the active ingredient miconazole. Miconazole is an antifungal medicine used to treat infections with fungi and yeasts.

Dalacin cream is an antibiotic cream prescribed to treat a bacterial infection of the vagina called bacterial vaginosis (BV).

Dalacin C capsules contain the active ingredient clindamycin hydrochloride, which is a type of medicine called an antibiotic. It is used to treat infections with bacteria.

Dalacin T is an antibiotic available as a solution or lotion that you apply to the skin to treat acne (spots).

Dalmane (Flurazepam) is used for the short term treatment of sleeplessness or insomnia. It can help overcome any difficulties in getting to sleep and may help if you wake up frequently in the middle of the night.

Dalmapam (Flurazepam) is used for the short term treatment of sleeplessness or insomnia. It can help overcome any difficulties in getting to sleep and may help if you wake up frequently in the middle of the night.

Doctors prescribe Daonil (Daonil) to treat diabetes type 2 which does not respond to dietary measures and which generally only occurs in adults. The tablets lower the sugar content in your blood if this is too high.

Decapeptyl (triptorelin) is used in men for the treatment of a disease of the prostate, in women for the treatment of endometriosis and infertility, and in children for the treatment of precocious puberty.

Corticosteroids (cortisone-like medicines) are used to provide relief for inflamed areas of the body. They lessen swelling, redness, itching, and allergic reactions. They are often used as part of the treatment for a number of different diseases, such as severe allergies, skin problems, asthma etc.

Depo-Medrone is used in the trreatment of a variety of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.

The contraceptive injection contains progestogen. There is only one type is available in Ireland, Depo-Provera, and it is effective for 12 weeks.

Depreger (Sertraline) is a treatment for adults with depression and/or anxiety disorders. The anxiety disorders that ‘DEPREGER’ is used to treat are: obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder ,social anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder and generalised anxiety disorder.

Dermovate cream and ointment both contain the active ingredient clobetasol, which is a steroid medicine used to reduce inflammation.

Dermovate is used to help reduce the redness and itchiness of certain scalp problems in adults, the elderly and children over the age of 1 year.
These include frequently relapsing dermatoses and psoriasis (thickened patches of inflamed, red skin, often covered by silvery scales) that have not responded to milder steroid creams, ointments, lotions or scalp applications.

Desmospray is indicated for:

  • The treatment of nocturia associated with multiple sclerosis where other treatments have failed.
  • The diagnosis and treatment of vasopressin-sensitive cranial diabetes insipidus.
  • Establishing renal concentration capacity.

DDAVP tablets and DDAVP Melt tablets both contain the active ingredient desmopressin, which is a type of medicine called a vasopressin analogue. It is similar to a hormone produced naturally by the body, called vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone.

Desunin tablets contain the active ingredient colecalciferol, which is also known as vitamin D3. Each tablet contains 800 IU colecalciferol, which is equivalent to 20 micrograms vitamin D3.